ISCAH: the northern woman

I know how to keep warm and how to defend myself and my family...I'll be as tender as the snow to my kids, and as sharp as sharp ice with our enemies.

TIGRIDIA: the tigerlily of all panthers

Have you noticed I carry a baby tiger on my shoulder? I can be togh but I surely have my soft side too.

ROEWAN: lady at heart

3 different styles for your free lady, the romantic one, the practical woman and the one hiding behind her conceilment robes. Roewan has a strong personality...but she decides when to show it and when to flow with the tide ;)

JEZABEL : the exhibition kajira

She pleases her Master just by existing, by giving joy to his eyes when she smoothly moves or gently smiles....she has grace, she knows how to catch the eyes...she herself is a jewel among the slaves.

EVA: The watergirl

Do not just be pretty and stand are a slave..slaves work ;)...Your Master will be really pleased and may even buy you a bina later on. 3 different ways to wear it, as a short camisk, as a long kirtle and as a 2-piece slave rugs.